Saturday, 19 July 2014

 Our Garter snake in residence ate a good
breakfast this morning, in fact I thought about
doing a chipmunk head count after seeing his
belly. I sketched him later in the day while he rested in a cement block and the belly bulge
was still very much there. After trying an ink and watercolor I decided to do another with
ink alone which I like better.
He was unsure of me to start and retreated into the hole but then decided I was no big threat and hung his head out and relaxed.
I love snakes.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

I contemplate as I sit and wait, what lovely  pies I could make with flies, to bake and eat in the suns bright heat,oh what a life have I.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

 I have been trying to include time to stop and sketch on my long commute to work, finding it a great way to start the day.
Living in the country and working in Ottawa has me passing through some beautiful countryside and small villages on the way to and from work.
These sketches were done in Almonte, near the falls, a beautiful spot to stop.
On this particular morning I tried drawing and painting in a more free, loose style and really enjoyed the results.
Before I knew it, three drawings had created themselves in a matter of 10 or 15 minutes, and I think I captured the moment as I wanted.
Even a fast few lines and  colors can bring back that moment in time for you as you look through the sketch book years after.
I usually have the radio tuned to classical music, open the windows of the car while parked for that 10 minutes and live totally in that moment while sketching, and it almost seems like time has stopped and all of my senses are focused.
I think I appreciate those few minutes of "living" and it rejuvenates, kind of like a morning pick me up.

I am always learning as I
sketch each day, and one
thing that I need to work
on is the amount of painting in the sketch.
Sometimes I get carried away and overdo, but
this ,I think, came out nice.
This way of drawing a subject also helps you to focus and observe. The sunflowers and the boy statue is what I saw first as I looked toward this section of garden.

Unblinking gaze                            worlds around me move
   sunflower shade

Monday, 14 July 2014

My wife and I visit the Purdon Conservation area , July 5. Unfortunately  we were too late in the season to see the orchids blooming but we did spend a beautiful few hours walking the trails.
This is a sketch of my wife relaxing on the board walk.
It is moments like this that make it all worth it, spending moments with someone you love sharing things you love.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

 Morning tea on the porch, a wonderfully relaxing and gentle start to the day.
                                                                                                            I sit and contemplate many things while in the "early morning tea"mode;
The beautiful gardens Debbie created in front of the house, my pond
with it's frogs and lillys, the comings and goings of the many creatures that share this space with us.
Deb also has tomato plants in pots on the porch, so I thought I'd make a sketch "tomatoes and mytoes".
We're getting packed up and prepared for our trip to the Gaspe and New Brunswick, so starting the day with a calming sketch or two, clears my mind a little.
Another beautiful sunny day in the country.

Friday, 11 July 2014

I sometimes overdo the painting and find I lose the simple beauty. I like the uncluttered feel of this.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The camp in the morning; a cup of tea, silence, pen in hand, this is the life!

 Camping for a wonderful weekend with my youngest son. The weather cooperated but unfortunately the mosquitoes enjoyed the heat as well!
There is nothing like camping to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and re-tune your inner self.

                                                                   We played music, relaxed and took in the peace and silence.

 For a couple of Mondays in June, I drove the country roads in search of peace and sketching possibilities. I really enjoyed the freedom of ambling around with no destination in mind and stopping when the whim took me.
Too often are we caged by the limits we set upon ourselves, the tunnel vision of where we need to be instead of seeing where we are.
 It was nice to find that the small watercolor pads I put together worked well. I felt more at ease in sketching, perhaps the fact that they were inexpensive helped get past the " every sketch has to be good because I just spent a lot on this pad"

Of late I am getting so much more from stopping and drawing than taking a photo of a scene. I still paint from photos I have taken over the years but sitting and breathing in the view, feeling and seeing the moment and then trying to capture it on paper is being a part of the actual time and place.